Barneykin Press
I have been publishing my family history as websites, which are actually genealogy books, as I have much written materials in them, not merely names and dates. Two of my websites have recently been published into printed books. Therefore, this is my book store - Neddy's Book Nook. I hope you enjoy my offerings.

~*~Neddy's Books in Print~*~
PEYTONs along the Aquia - Second Edition
The PEYTON book, "PEYTONs Along the Aquia" has been revised and updated with a "Second Edition" in May 2009. It is a great gift for any descendant of the Peytons of Northern Virginia. There is a lineage that traces the PEYTONs of Aquia directly back to the time of William the Conquerer in England. No living people are included. The book is indexed. You may purchase the hardcover edition at my Lulu bookstore: PEYTONs Along the Aquia - Second Edition. The softcover edition is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all on-line booksellers. Thank you for your interest. ~~Hardcover Print
"So Obscure A Person" A Genealogy of the STINSONS of Buckingham County
"So Obscure a Person" is a family history and genealogy of ALEXANDER STINSON Senior of Buckingham County, Virginia and his Virginia descendants. His life spanned almost the entire eighteenth century of Virginia. He is the progenitor of the STINSON family of Buckingham County, including those who went further South after the Revolutionary War. This book is the result of years of research at courthouses and libraries in Virginia and elsewhere. It is extensively documented with both embedded sources and footnotes, and is fully indexed. There is an excursus on the HOOPER family which includes the CABELL and MAYO cousins, relatives of the STINSONs. ~~Hardcover Print
Available Now
"Peyton, of England and Virginia from Virginia Genealogies" A Reprinting of Reverend Hayden's Genealogy of the PEYTON Family
"Reverend Horace Edwin HAYDEN, continues to be the leading genealogist of the PEYTON family of Virginia. His celebrated book, "Virginia Genealogies," published 1891, included the chapter, "PEYTON, 'of Iselham,' Cambridgeshire, England, Gloucester, and Westmoreland Counties, Virginia." The author closely followed the English PEYTON lines in the 1878 "Genealogical Memoirs of the Extinct Family of Chester of Chicheley," by Robert E. Chester WATERS. One hundred seventeen years ago, when Reverend HAYDEN published his research of the Virginia PEYTONs, it was the most comprehensive and accurate in data, scope and material ever received. Since then, his extensive "PEYTON" chapter in "Virginia Genealogies" has formed the basis of all succeeding published genealogies of the PEYTON family. This reprint includes the now extinct PEYTON family of Gloucester County, and Hayden's acclaimed essay "Descent." This scanned reprint will be a welcome and necessary resource for those studying the PEYTON family of Virginia. ~~Paperback Print

Great Books
Books to the ceiling, Books to the sky. My pile of books is a mile high. How I love them. How I need them. I'll be a centenarian before I read them.
